South Carolina

Abbreviation: SC

FIPS Code: 45

Capital City: Columbia

Largest City: Charleston

Established: May 23, 1788

Counties in South Carolina

Choose a county below to view county offices, abstractors, notaries, appraisers and title companies.

State - County FIPS Code
Abbeville County 45 - 1
Aiken County 45 - 3
Allendale County 45 - 5
Anderson County 45 - 7
Bamberg County 45 - 9
Barnwell County 45 - 11
Beaufort County 45 - 13
Berkeley County 45 - 15
Calhoun County 45 - 17
Charleston County 45 - 19
Cherokee County 45 - 21
Chester County 45 - 23
Chesterfield County 45 - 25
Clarendon County 45 - 27
Colleton County 45 - 29
Darlington County 45 - 31
Dillon County 45 - 33
Dorchester County 45 - 35
Edgefield County 45 - 37
Fairfield County 45 - 39
Florence County 45 - 41
Georgetown County 45 - 43
Greenville County 45 - 45
Greenwood County 45 - 47
Hampton County 45 - 49
Horry County 45 - 51
Jasper County 45 - 53
Kershaw County 45 - 55
Lancaster County 45 - 57
Laurens County 45 - 59
Lee County 45 - 61
Lexington County 45 - 63
Marion County 45 - 67
Marlboro County 45 - 69
McCormick County 45 - 65
Newberry County 45 - 71
Oconee County 45 - 73
Orangeburg County 45 - 75
Pickens County 45 - 77
Richland County 45 - 79
Saluda County 45 - 81
Spartanburg County 45 - 83
Sumter County 45 - 85
Union County 45 - 87
Williamsburg County 45 - 89
York County 45 - 91