
Abbreviation: NV

FIPS Code: 32

Capital City: Carson City

Largest City: Las Vegas

Established: Oct 31, 1864

Counties in Nevada

Choose a county below to view county offices, abstractors, notaries, appraisers and title companies.

State - County FIPS Code
Carson City 32 - 510
Churchill County 32 - 1
Clark County 32 - 3
Douglas County 32 - 5
Elko County 32 - 7
Esmeralda County 32 - 9
Eureka County 32 - 11
Humboldt County 32 - 13
Lander County 32 - 15
Lincoln County 32 - 17
Lyon County 32 - 19
Mineral County 32 - 21
Nye County 32 - 23
Pershing County 32 - 27
Storey County 32 - 29
Washoe County 32 - 31
White Pine County 32 - 33